i was due july 23, but i was sure as hell that this little boy would make his grand entrance on the first week of july.
towards the end of the month of june, my ob and i were discussing when to schedule my routine IE to check up on kade if he's ready and if my body's ready. i asked to move the check up the following week (july 3) since that weekend, my family and i were going to celebrate my dad's birthday the whole weekend. thankfully my ob agreed, with a lot of pleading and charms used. i assured her that by the time she does the IE on my, i'll be giving birth already so she should be ready.
the week went by and come july 3, friday, i popped over to her clinic over lunch to have my IE. and surprises of all surprises, i was already 4cm dilated but not yet effaced. meaning mycervix isn't open yet. so i was still given directions to go home and rest it out. but knowing me, and having gone through 2 previous pregnancies, i returned to work and finished all my turnovers for the day. i even announced through facebook that i was 4cm dilated already and sent some officemates into shocked and almost panicked replies. but i assured them i was doing ok and not feeling any pain at all.
i was even the last one to go home that friday night at 930pm. but around that time i was already feeling the strain on my lower back. i knew anytime i'll be heading to the hospital.
once we got home, i slept it off. come the next day, i woke up around 730am and felt pain on my back going to my tummy. i knew it was time. hubby left for the office since i knew this can take a while. i was counting the contractions already. round 830, the pain was a bit uncomfortable but manageable. i texted my ob that i was having 5 min contractions every 30 mins. she replied that i should head to the hospital asap since i could give birth already. since i wasn't panicking yet, i even asked her if i can still grab something to eat after i take my shower. i got a big NO and that i should get a move on asap. so i did. texted hubby to head home and bring me to the hospital. (i was that relaxed that i wanted hubby to bring me to the hospital when in fact my dad or brother can drive me to the hospital)
around 930am i we were knocking on the door of the delivery room. left all my things to hubby. was subjected to the usual round of questions. at that time i was still wearing my red nail polish on my hands and feet. sadly i had to remove them and so the resident nurse took them off while i was being monitored. another round of IE and i was 7cm dilated and 8cm dilated when having contractions.
i was surprised when they wheeled me directly to the delivery room. i asked them: aren't i going to stay in the labor room? they told me there's no need since i was already 8cm dilated and i can give birth anytime.
i was prepped and strapped on to the table. it was a good 30-45 mins of chikahan with the doctors since my ob was still on her way. it was around 1045am. i was shaved, given my IV, another round of interviews, more chikahan. during those times i was already feeling the intense pain, i was asking the doctors if i can sit down a bit since it eases the pain, but since i can't anymore, i had to bear the pain.
a tip: those breathing exercises really help. the more you scream off the pain, the more it gets painful. seriously.
after another round of chikahan with my ob, she did another IE on me and then my water bag broke. this is it! in a few mintues, kade will make his grand entrance!
i was told to push if i felt like i was pooping. after a good 3 or 4 pushes... and feeling the head crowning, i passed out and woke up to the noise of the nurses in the recovery room. that was around 2pm already.
by the time i was wheeled into my room, i fell asleep again and woke up in the evening. and the first thing i asked is how was kade and how did he look like.
so that's the story of kade and how he came into this world. :)