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My life unplugged

my daily thoughts and ramblings on motherhood, raising my kids, being a wife and everything else in between that matters in our life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pregnancy update #2: coming down with the flu

around 4pm this afternoon while finishing a proposal to be sent to a client, i suddenly felt all heavy and tired. must the colds i was having since Monday, i thought. but as the afternoon passed by, i wasn't feeling any better. it felt as if something was brewing inside me.

another fever wants to break out. and i don't want to entertain the thought at all considering that i just cam from a 3 day sick leave from a very unfortunate incident that happened on friday the 13th (which deserves another post soon). i can't gamble losing my salary for the end month - how will i pay for the bills this end month then?

so anyway, been "drowning" myself with water in the hopes to flush out this impending fever inside me. i don't want to stress out the baby again and cause another worry-wart session between my ob and i.

i sure hope by tomorrow, i would feel better. i guess i just need more rest than usual. this baby's quite the sensitive one. =)

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