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My life unplugged

my daily thoughts and ramblings on motherhood, raising my kids, being a wife and everything else in between that matters in our life.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

short hair dilemma

which one?? and how short should i go?

i'd love to post how hideous my hair looks like now, but that would scare off anyone who reads my blog hahaha.

how hideous? it's like a mullet with a dead electrocuted rat on it. my hair is awfully dry and oily at the same time. going in different directions. it's a pain to have this hair in this weather. hopefully this weekend, i'll be saying goodbye to bad hair.

and hopefully i get to rock a new color too. (do i hear a red? haha)

1 comment:

Kreez said...

haze, i'd go for the posh look, i think it will suit you.... have fun on your trip to the salon