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My life unplugged

my daily thoughts and ramblings on motherhood, raising my kids, being a wife and everything else in between that matters in our life.

Monday, April 5, 2010

shaping up

my weight has seriously bothered me for quite a while. it started when i first had my shot of depo-provera aka injectibles. i was forewarned by my ob that i would feel a little bloated after a month or so.

a little bloated was a lie. boy i did gain a lot. embarrassing as it may sound, but i'm now at 130lbs. 15lbs heavier than my ideal weight.

as of my last check up/shot with my ob, she said, i had to lose those 15lbs. at first i wasn't that worried since i don't look that heavy and people have said i looked better now.

but, there's a wedding in november and I HAVE TO SHED these pounds off. i wouldn't want to look all bloated and "chubby" on my wedding day.

so, i started taking l carnatine and green tea capsules 3x a day (aka fitrum) the other slimming pills in the market scare me. sure, it's effective and all but the thought of feeling oil coming out of you involuntarily doesn't sound so appealing at all.

and i also plan to go to the gym by this month. good thing our office has a corporate package with one of the well known gyms here in the metro. as soon as i settle the LAST payment for my credit card. i'm debt free and can really save up for the kid's future.

now let's see in the coming months if i do shed off these pounds, maybe more!

wish me luck!

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