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My life unplugged

my daily thoughts and ramblings on motherhood, raising my kids, being a wife and everything else in between that matters in our life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

false alarm / scare at 3am

almost nearing my full term, one of the downsides of being pregnant are the sleepless nights. one, due to the frequency in peeing, two, you can't find the most comfortable position to sleep and three, it's just a big hassle sleeping with a big belly.

so anyway, i was having one of those rare nights where i was getting the sleep i was needing when all of a sudden i woke up to a really painful lower back. i thought i was in a wrong sleeping position. but the pain was persistent and every movement was torture. and it didn't stop there, the pain in my lower back was slowly creeping its way into my front. and started to feel like contractions.

i was bugging hubby on what i was feeling. i was telling him that i was worried that i might be in labor already. he told me to relax and to monitor the pain and the contractions. it was a really scary moment right there. i actually never experienced this when i was carrying my two boys. the moment i started to feel those contractions was when i was in the labor room and a few minutes away from being wheeled into the delivery room. i felt like such a newbie mom.

but thank God the pains subsided after an hour, but i wasn't able to get the sleep i needed.

i was really worried going into labor this early since i'll be on my 36th week by tomorrow and technically, the baby hasn't reached full term yet.

so i whispered a prayer of thanks and a little nudge to baby to not be too excited to come out. he can go and make his grand entrance on the first week of july and on weekend and i won't complain at all.

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