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My life unplugged

my daily thoughts and ramblings on motherhood, raising my kids, being a wife and everything else in between that matters in our life.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

mommy bloggers are the coolest!

once upon a time there was this mommy. working 9-5, monday to friday. one perk in her office is the unlimited internet access. one day she decided to create a blog. she blogged about her kids - funny stories about her kids, their milestones, and little stories about her life and her discoveries.

but she wanted something more from her blog. she wanted it to be interesting, she wanted her blog to earn but still maintain her blog's theme and identity. she met a lot of "frogs" on the net who promised the sun and moon but delivered nothing. until one day, while in one of her moods, she stumbled upon SocialSpark.

she found what she was looking for. SocialSpark took her for what she is - a mommy blogger.

SocialSpark found a gem in mommy bloggers. a new target market that has the power to convince and influence. so if you are a mommy blogger and you have met a lot of frogs, i think it's time you check out SocialSpark it might be your prince charming of earning while you blog.

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